Join our Facebook Group Authors for Authors
Admin: Valerie Allen
Opportunities to have your book(s) on display at our book and author events
are available for those who cannot personally attend the venue.
- Registration for book displays must be completed 15 days prior to each event. See Spring and Fall Event tabs for dates.
- FALL: "Meet the Authors' Book Fair," in conjunction with the ArtsWorks Festival, will be in November at the Eau Gallie Civic Center, Melbourne, FL
- SPRING: "Writer's Conference: Write, Publish, Sell!" will be in April at the Hilton Melbourne, FL 32901
- There are also year-round displays at libraries and various other venues
Book Display Only
- Opportunity to have your book(s) on display at book and author events.
- No direct sales involved
- Cost = $5.00 per book - cash only.
- Enclose your book(s), business cards, and fee(s) in a zip lock bag.
- If you want your book(s) returned please include a SASE.
- Mail all to: Valerie Allen, P. O. Box 120053, West Melbourne, FL 32912-0053
Contact: Valerie Allen at
Registration for Book Display Only
- Name: ______________________________________________________________
- Address: ___________________________________________________________
- City: _________________________________________ST: _____ ZIP: __________
- Phone: (_______) _____________________________________________________
- Web: _______________________________________________________________
- EMail : ______________________________________________________
- 1) Book Title(s) for Promo Flyer __________________________________________________________
Circle One: Fiction Non-fiction Poetry Children’s Book
- 2) Book Title for Promo Flyer: _________________________________________________________
Circle One: Fiction Non-fiction Poetry Children’s Book
- 3) Book Title for Promo Flyer: _________________________________________________________
Circle One: Fiction Non-fiction Poetry Children’s Book
~ Sponsored by ~
Valerie Allen,
FALL: "Meet the Authors Book Fair," November
SPRING: "Writers' Conference: Write, Publish, Sell!" April